howlin so true... whether they say so or not... lots of hair (in any form) = sex appeal lack of hair = fear biology wins... hair = fertility which triggers sex least in the states so curious... when i'm bald, in the states, only non black men give me energy... and africans give me energy everywhere (yay) when i have hair...everybody's on board... what's ur experience, LADIES? just curious.... i'm sure lupita and danai will trigger a shaved head frenzy.... wonder what will follow... posin or really re-evaluating our ideas of beauty, but i digress.... this has nothing to do with needing male validation....when i'm feeling hair, i put it on, when i'm not, i shave it off.... but i'm still curious about it... is the bald thing scary to dudes bec "april" is scary (shut up, i knew u were thinking it) or is it intimidating in general...??? curious as i wrestle with and work with my vulnerability and my own personal ideas about femininity....
AprilYvetteThompsonis a Tony-winning producer/writer/actor & CEO of TheDreamUnLocked: Boutique Coaching for Actors, Writers & Dreamers Categories