Posted @withrepost • @therapportcoach January the oneth
It's a new day in a new month of a new year in the new decade. I've heard what you do today is indicative of what you'll do this year. That's only the case if you repeat today all year long. There's something to be said about that Groundhog Day effect; good and bad. If you're looking to repeat the mistakes of today, and likely the mistakes of last year, that's bad. #insanity is said to be doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting different outcomes every time. If you want to #accomplishgoals #create great #relationships and actually change your life for, you know, the new year stuff, then today is a great day to establish #goodhabits It doesn't start with a list or resolution. Those are important but they aren't the starting point. If you want this time next year to be better, start there. Start with the end in mind. It begins with a #vision Where do you want to be at this point next year? Spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, relationally and financially - where do you want to be? I suggest before you make a list or plan or goal - start with the end in mind. Close your eyes. (Not yet, but do this exercise.) You are the architect of your #future. The life you want is your #responsibility to create. #paintthatpicture Make the canvas as big as the IMAX screen and paint a picture of how you want your life to look in those areas. Be as #vivid in your #imagination as you please. Pour some #goodemotions into it and lots of them. Now put it into motion. Give it sound. Make it a #spectacular movie. Remember, you're the director. You get to say what it looks like and how it goes. Make it first person #pointofview Enjoy that movie, thousands of times over at the #speedofthought That's your #startingpoint. Now you can go make a list. Start with where you are and what resources you have available. Every month, do four things that get you closer to baking that movie a reality. That means every week you do seven things to get one of those four accomplished. That means every day you do one thing. Do one thing tomorrow. One thing the next day. By Jon Newton, TheRapportCoach #Moveforward #daybyday, #littlebylittle.
AprilYvetteThompsonis a Tony-winning producer/writer/actor & CEO of TheDreamUnLocked: Boutique Coaching for Actors, Writers & Dreamers Categories