![]() just imagine your beautiful daughter waking up, feeling drugged only to realize her only positive role model of black fatherhood, Cliff Huxtable, is penetrating her & forcing her to fellate him. What might that do to her for the rest of her life... what might it do to her when she realizes that it's common knowledge in our industry and he's been doing it to girls and women during the Cosby showand afterwards and EVERYONE has given him a free pass... How might that leave her feeling about her worth? That not one single man she knows cares... That the whole world put her hero's fame above her humanity...her sanity...her life that the black men who have been trying to prevent her getting raped since slavery are now, the white men in brown skins acting like the master and taking what he wants bec he can what might that do for her sense of worth to speak of it and everyone call her a liar and a bitch how might she experience the world of black men from that moment forward and then when she fears you, you call her a self-hating black person... If you're going to be "woke" and uncover the perversity of racism and slavery then you gots to cover all of it... black women were raped everyday all day while they men watched we carry that... and then for the same black men who decry slavery to act just like the master it's own kind of holocaust happening all over again... as i watch the black folks defend him i now understand how slavery went on as long as it did as i watch fellow black africans not speak to me in the streets of north africa i understand why the enslavement of africans was such a lucrative trade for both europeans and the african slavers as i recover from the rape of a black man during my childhood and the years i spent in forgiveness and learning to stay open to the idea that all black men are not the same, that there are loving and giving and present good black men out there and then i read threads of young black men ripping into black women like an overseer on the plantation... i get it and i see it... i see how we've gone back in time... not gone back... how we've never moved forward in the ways that count our outsides were freed, the shackles removed but our guts, our insides hold a viciousness i find overwhelming and destructive bill and all the others didn't come out of nowhere... we made them this culture's silent and overt violence made him not having appropriate sexual boundaries is also violent assault crawling into beds in your underwear with children sodomizing children not hearing the word "NO" bec the girl is drunk and so she deserved to be gang raped (parsing out that thin line and men getting off for playing dumb bec their dicks are hard) the actresses allowing themselves to be brutalized, sodomized ,raped and whipped naked on TV for entertainment instagram influencers with the naked made up, botoxed children celebrating little girls showing up naked for every event instead of applauding the little girls who fight their way out of poverty, oppression and struggle with just their brains and their clothes on the way we feign surprise when a company uses our oppression as a way to make money and then use that money to support racists...Nike made money off of black lives matter and then funded the very people poised to crush the movement we made the bills, the michaels, the harveys, the r. kellys, the woodys, the polanskis, the nates, the donalds, the kavanaughs we made them with our secrets our greed our lust with no moral integrity attached we made them with our obsession with money makes all things right fame means you're a great human being who can do the most foul shit to the most innocent and still show up on the red carpet to applause There's no cognitive dissonance... Our culture has actually made a choice about what we value... And we are paying for it like a motherfucker Until we address the value system, nothing changes for anyone every law passed, every election will feel like a piece of violence hurled in your face... When your values, your worth are no longer in line with the society, you live in, you have to take massive action or self-destruct....you must if you're to remain in your truth, your joy, your purpose...the most noble parts of your Soul's Song, otherwise, why were you here...? Writings from Marrakech....
AprilYvetteThompsonis a Tony-winning producer/writer/actor & CEO of TheDreamUnLocked: Boutique Coaching for Actors, Writers & Dreamers Categories