as we approach the new year, more and more of my posts will be about healing the wounds of our childhoods. it's a two step process called the DreamingOutloudTechnque:
it's a way to use writing to heal, to share, to finally dredge up the garbage weighing you down and let it go by pouring it onto the page. once you've done that, u get to rewrite those stories. u get to say what will remain in the story that is your life and what will go. and you get to see those stories in a new light and recreate new ways of solving old problems. essentially, it is by looking at the people who made u and chronicling what they got right and letting go of what they did wrong, that u become the writer of your own destiny. without this process, ur future is determined solely by who u have been and the limits of what ur family could teach u. if ur cool with that inheritance, have at it and stay on ur current path. but if u want more, if ur soul is seeking a different kind of sunshine, join me on this journey in the new year. SignUp for the Manifesting Like A MotherFucker Blog Now
AprilYvetteThompsonis a Tony-winning producer/writer/actor & CEO of TheDreamUnLocked: Boutique Coaching for Actors, Writers & Dreamers Categories