![]() There's not one person on Earth who's there for the same reason as you: Finding and celebrating u Whoop, The Universe #mikedooleyquote it’s always been my dream to visit the blue pearl of morocco, ChefChaouen of course, these kinds of dreams always plague me when i am poor as a church mouse i ended up in morocco (where i’ve always wanted to visit) when i focused on the dream, what made me feel good and right in the world, not how it was going to happen when u focus of the joy of ur dream and let go of how its going to happen u open urself to abundance & a serrendipity of the universe i had no money, no job & that’s when the universe organized a string of events to get me here. she even got me a place to live & something else i’ve always dreamed of when i travel: someone waiting for me eager to see me when i arrived landing in airports, train stations, bus stations alone is one of my all time loneliest feelings everywhere in morocco, there was someone waiting on each doorstep for me with arms open wide magic happens when u let go of all the reasons why it shouldnt so glad i got the opportunity to make a dream a reality during TheDreamingMoroccoRetreat what’s something uv always wanted to do that seems a liitle farfetched? photo by Antoinette Greene-Fisher • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • #MovingToMorocco #DreamingOutLoudTechnique #Experience_Morocco #retreat #womenwhotravel #travelchangesyou #releasethestruggle #detachfromthematrix #manifestinglineamotherfucker #runningtowardssunlight #livingyourbestlife #selfcareminustheguilt #YouAreEnuf #magicalnewbeginnings #InPursuitOfMagic #dreambuilding #TheDreamUnLocked #TheBadAssActor #TheBadAssWriter #TheBadAssDreamer #livingyourbestlife #TedTalk #TedTalkReWriteYourStory
AprilYvetteThompsonis a Tony-winning producer/writer/actor & CEO of TheDreamUnLocked: Boutique Coaching for Actors, Writers & Dreamers Categories